Acne scar laser treatment

Should you consider acne scar laser treatment ?

Most people tend to think of acne being as something that you experience during you teens and then outgrow with no serious long term problems. While this may be true for many for others acne can be an adult problem as well. Many individuals suffer from serious acne which can cause scars that leave you feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable. More and more doctors who treat acne are recommending laser treatment for the acne scars.

acne scar laser treatmentTypically acne attacks in the teen years causing the oil producer sebaceous glands to overreact due to hormones which will block pores and cause acne to form. It’s basically an infection of the skin which can cause acne on various parts of your body even though the face and neck is the most common areas. There are currently hundreds of products on the market to help with acne but only a handful of those will actually give results and for many they don’t do anything at all. Many individuals choose to stay withdrawn from friends, family and society in general because they are unhappy with the way they look so it may be time to do something about it.

So with many failures should you consider acne scar laser treatment? The procedure is still fairly new but has been proven that it does in fact help to improve acne scars and in many cases can remove them completely. The procedure can be costly depending on who you choose to do the procedure but it will save you money in the long run especially if you are constantly buying new products to try without any type of real results.

The laser treatment used for acne scars normally completed over the course of 3 – 5 visits depending on how your skin reacts to the procedure but you will normally start to notice changes after the first visit. During the procedure a laser will be used to shoot small beams of heat onto the affected areas which will help to permanently stop the sebaceous glands from further producing the bacteria that causes acne. The heat amount used through the laser is low and will not be harmful to your skin or cause any type of pain. In addition to helping with the acne scarring it can also make you appear younger than you are because it will help to revitalize your face.

If you are struggling with acne you may want to try some of the cheaper options with over the counter products or even prescription strength first but if for some reason you are not getting the results that you need then it may be time to consider acne scar laser treatment. The procedure may not work for everyone so if you are considering this particular treatment then talk to your physician to see what he recommends. All of the details, costs and actual procedure will be explained thoroughly to you giving you all the information needed to make an informed decision.